The Most Popular Bingo Number, Ranked

Choose the number you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jun 1, 2024 06:41
At any given bingo hall on a busy evening, the anticipation builds with each number called out. Over time, bingo enthusiasts have often debated which numbers appear to bring more luck than others. By casting votes for the most popular bingo numbers, enthusiasts can see how preferences and beliefs align within the community. This interactive ranking allows users to actively participate by voting for their preferred numbers, turning individual opinions into a collective verdict. This system not only introduces a dynamic aspect to the classic game but also provides a fun way to engage with others in the bingo community, encouraging users to contribute and see how their favorites fare against the general consensus.

What Is the Most Popular Bingo Number?

  1. 1

    Number 1

    Known as 'Kelly's Eye', after the one-eyed military man Ned Kelly.
    • Nickname: Kelly's Eye
  2. 2

    Number 13

    Unlucky for some, but a popular bingo call.
    • Nickname: Unlucky for Some
  3. 3

    Number 11

    Represents two legs, often called 'Legs Eleven'.
    • Nickname: Legs Eleven
  4. 4

    Number 22

    Often referred to as 'Two Little Ducks', it resembles the profile of two ducks.
    • Nickname: Two Little Ducks
  5. 5

    Number 88

    Resembles two fat ladies standing next to each other.
    • Nickname: Two Fat Ladies
  6. 6

    Number 90

    The highest number in UK bingo, known as 'Top of the Shop'.
    • Nickname: Top of the Shop
  7. 7

    Number 69

    A number often met with laughter due to its visual representation of a mutual position.
    • Nickname: Either Way Up
  8. 8

    Number 76

    Referred to as 'Trombones' after the song '76 Trombones'.
    • Nickname: Trombones
  9. 9

    Number 7

    Often considered a lucky number in various cultures.
    • Nickname: Lucky Seven
  10. 10

    Number 25

    Also known as 'Duck and Dive', 2 represents a duck, 5 represents a snake.
    • Nickname: Duck and Dive

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Bingo number. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or number is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 1 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each number once every 24 hours. The rank of each number is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Bingo Number

Number 1
Rank #1 for the most popular Bingo number: Number 1 (Source)
Bingo is a game of chance, enjoyed by many people around the world. Players mark off numbers on cards as they are called out by a caller. The objective is to be the first to mark off all the numbers in a specific pattern, usually a straight line. The game is simple, yet it brings excitement and joy to its players.

Among the many numbers in Bingo, one stands out as the most popular. This number often gets called more than others, and players tend to remember it well. Its popularity can be traced back to several factors.

First, this number holds a special place in the hearts of many players. Over time, it has gained a reputation for being lucky. When it is called, players often cheer or show signs of excitement. This reaction is not just due to luck, but also because the number has become a symbol of hope and anticipation.

Second, the frequency of this number being called is higher compared to others. This is not by design, but rather by chance. The randomness of Bingo means that some numbers will get called more often over time. This particular number has simply come up more frequently in many games, making it a familiar and beloved figure in the Bingo community.

Third, cultural references and popular media have also played a role in the popularity of this number. It has been featured in songs, movies, and TV shows, further embedding it into the collective consciousness of Bingo players. These references help to keep the number in the spotlight, adding to its allure.

The psychological aspect of Bingo also contributes to the popularity of this number. Players often develop superstitions and rituals around certain numbers. This particular number, due to its frequent appearances and cultural significance, has become a focal point for such beliefs. Players may feel a sense of connection to it, believing that it brings them good fortune.

In Bingo halls and online platforms, this number is often celebrated. Special games or promotions might center around it, drawing in more players. The sense of community and shared experience around this number adds to its charm. Players bond over their mutual recognition and appreciation of it.

Despite the randomness of Bingo, the popularity of this number remains consistent. It has become more than just a number; it is a part of the game's culture and history. Players new and old recognize its significance, and it continues to be a source of excitement in every game.

In summary, the most popular Bingo number holds a special place in the game due to its frequent appearances, cultural references, and the psychological connections players have with it. Its popularity is a testament to the unique blend of chance, culture, and human psychology that makes Bingo such an enduring and beloved game.

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