The Most Popular Food in Saudi Arabia, Ranked

Choose the food you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 31, 2024 06:54
Knowing the most popular food in Saudi Arabia can help both locals and visitors make informed dining choices. It provides insight into cultural preferences and regional specialties, making dining experiences more enjoyable and satisfying. The list showcases a variety of dishes, representing a cross-section of the unique culinary landscape of the region. This list isn't just informative but interactive. Users are encouraged to participate by casting their votes for their favorite dishes, which directly influence the rankings. Your input will not only reflect your own tastes but also contribute to the accuracy and authenticity of the list, making it more useful for everyone.

What Is the Most Popular Food in Saudi Arabia?

  1. 1


    A traditional mixed rice dish with spices, vegetables, and usually lamb, chicken, or fish.
    • Main Ingredients: Rice, meat (lamb, chicken, or fish), vegetables, spices
  2. 2
  3. 3


    A rice and meat dish, similar to Kabsa, but with a different blend of spices and traditionally cooked in a pit.
    • Cooking Method: Meat cooked in a pit
    • Main Ingredients: Rice, meat (usually lamb or chicken), spices
  4. 5

    Arabic Coffee

    Not a food, but an integral part of Saudi cuisine, this coffee is made with lightly roasted beans and cardamom.
    • Also known as: Qahwa
    • Served with: Dates
  5. 6

    Al Saleeg

    A white rice dish, cooked in broth, and often served with chicken.
    • Main Ingredients: Rice, milk (or broth), chicken
    • Texture: Creamy
  6. 7

    Al Harees

    A simple, yet rich dish made with wheat, meat, and a pinch of salt, cooked until smooth.
    • Cooking Time: Several hours
    • Occasion: Ramadan, Eid
  7. 8


    A stuffed pancake or bread, traditionally filled with minced meat, onions, and spices.
    • Origin: Yemen
    • Variants: Vegetable, cheese
  8. 9


    A fried or baked pastry with a savory filling, such as spiced potatoes, onions, peas, or lentils.
    • Also known as: Samosa
    • Shape: Triangular
  9. 10


    A coarse ground wheat dish, cooked with meat, and often flavored with spices and vegetables.
    • Main Ingredients: Coarse ground wheat, meat, spices
    • Texture: Porridge-like

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular food in Saudi Arabia. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or food is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 124 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each food once every 24 hours. The rank of each food is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Food in Saudi Arabia

Rank #1 for the most popular food in Saudi Arabia: Kabsa (Source)
Saudi Arabia has a rich culinary tradition. The food reflects the culture and history of the region. It is influenced by the desert environment, trade routes, and the people who have lived there for centuries.

The cuisine uses a variety of grains, meats, and spices. Rice is a staple in many dishes. It is often paired with meat or vegetables. Bread is also common and comes in different forms. Some types are flat and thin, while others are thicker and more filling.

Meat plays a significant role in the diet. Lamb and chicken are popular choices. They are often grilled or roasted. Sometimes, the meat is cooked with rice and spices to create hearty meals. Seafood is also enjoyed, especially in coastal areas.

Spices are key to the flavor of the food. Cumin, coriander, and cardamom are frequently used. These spices add depth and warmth to dishes. They are often blended with others to create unique spice mixes.

Vegetables and legumes are important, too. They provide balance to the meals. Common vegetables include tomatoes, onions, and peppers. Lentils and chickpeas are often used in soups and stews.

Meals are usually shared with family and friends. This reflects the strong sense of community. Eating together is a social activity. It is a time to bond and enjoy each other’s company.

Traditional cooking methods are still popular. Many dishes are cooked slowly to enhance the flavors. Baking, grilling, and stewing are common techniques. These methods help to bring out the best in the ingredients.

The food also reflects the religious practices of the region. Halal food is a must. This means that the food is prepared according to Islamic dietary laws. Pork is not eaten, and alcohol is not used in cooking.

Hospitality is a key part of the culture. Guests are always offered food and drink. It is a way to show respect and kindness. Serving a guest is considered an honor.

The influence of trade routes is evident in the cuisine. Spices and ingredients from other regions have been incorporated over time. This has created a diverse and rich culinary tradition.

The desert environment has also shaped the food. Ingredients that can be stored for long periods are common. Dried fruits, nuts, and preserved foods are often used. These ingredients ensure that food is available even in harsh conditions.

The food of Saudi Arabia is a reflection of its people and their history. It is a blend of tradition and practicality. It brings people together and provides nourishment in a challenging environment. The flavors are bold and comforting, offering a taste of the region’s rich heritage.

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